New Promo for Labor Day

Katrin’s Chronicles is now available for a limited time only for $3.99 at:…

A Labor Day excerpt from the novel:

“As the stifling dog days of summer began to flame out into fall, new stories took over and we were soon left in relative peace. The events during the final week of August gave people something else to talk about.

The big news, shown daily on television, was the rioting down-town. The whole world watched the police battle protesters, pass-ersby and news media with tear gas, mace and clubs. Oh, and there was a political convention going on too. …

Praise for "Katrin’s Chronicles"

The reviews have begun to come in for the book!

“I could really relate to the girls because they both are smart African American girls and I think that is something girls my age can’t always say they relate to when it comes to some African American girls on television and in magazines. I thought it was really interesting including the events from 1968, especially since it was coming from the point of view of Katrin. I really enjoyed the book!”- Olivia, age 14 (Philadelphia, PA)

“The magical realism of Katrin’s Chronicles read like Isabel Allende for the young adult …

Never too soon to write your Autobiography

“If you don’t write your own history, somebody else will make it up for you.”

After enduring three years of mystery-solving adventures, 13-year-old Katrin DuBois decides it’s time to write her autobiography. Who else will set the record straight about the outrageous rumors about her family?

It all began when Katrin was in 6th grade. Her elder sister, 8th grader Jacqueléne Dyanne, began exhibiting extraordinary, even paranormal, detecting abilities.

Katrin’s Chronicles take place long before laptops, the Internet, cell phones and text messaging – Chicago, 1968. Although the time was technologically simple, the tangle of human relationships was as complex …